
Welcome! Since I will not have the resources to e mail my usual circle of friends and family while in Ecuador, this is it. This Blog will be my vehicle for "dropping you a line..."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Last day of my research and adventures at kapawi

Feb 17

Today is my last day at Kapawi Lodge. Last night I went out on a caiman watch. The river is very high, so the sightings were not likely. I discovered that a caiman visited my new cabin, no. 7, last night. That thought makes for good sleeping. The caiman was not in the cabin, but under it in the lagoon. Actually the caiman are in the lagoon since it is very full. We had two long rains, staring around noon and lasting into the night. Yet this morning, the lagoon is down again, with the marsh and ponds where yesterday it was all water. The plants are very adaptable! So the caiman watch produced two good specimens, but we did not see any night birds. Part of the trip we just floated without the motor and enjoyed the nearly full moon, Orion, the mists and night sounds. I went to bed later than usual, 10:30. Here, once it gets dark, bedtime comes earlier than at home. So this morning I was late for breakfast. Being late mean you might not get any food… but the cooks fed me fruit and rice with meat. At 9:30 I go on a 3hour hike with some Canadians and a French couple, with Renan and Simon as our guides. We will have lunch in the forest and then visit Kusutkau. I will know a lot of people there, just visited them on Tues! I hope today to see some monkeys, I have only seen a couple, and they were far away. I am all packed so I can relax and enjoy my last day here. Tomorrow I will leave around 11, canoe to the airstrip, fly to Shell, bus to Quito… It will be a very long day! I just Skyped Bill and had an e-mail from Arick. Being in touch has been so important. Chris and I have had several long chats. I do miss everyone! Well, A good start for the day...

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